Snow Removal Update

Update as of 8:30am January 25 2016 –  There is about 30 inches of snow to move. They are going to do their best to move the snow up into the common areas. Owner may have to dig out behind the cars. Please ask everyone to throw the snow back in to the streets if they can.

The tractor still has about 3 hours left in the community. Hampshire Green and up on Cabot Ridge. They worked to about 3 AM this morning and will start back at around 9 – 10 AM.

~ Cardinal Mgmt.

Update as of 3:00pm January 23 2016 – Spruce Up is having difficulty getting into the Woodlynne Community to plow the street and parking lots.  VDOT is just now getting to plow Roberts Rd. according to John Cook, our supervisor.

Cardinal Management has two front end loaders standing by to move snow so that Spruce Up can do more plowing.  This will likely occur Sunday evening.

Please stand by for additional updates.  We ask you to be patient while heavy snow is still falling and drifting.





